[TowerTalk] Capacitor Value for a 160m T antenna
Guy Olinger
k2av at contesting.com
Mon Nov 7 16:19:49 EST 2016
I use a neat little program called HamIC, which has a stack of little
calculators, including an L network calculator.
See http://www.sweetscape.com/hamic/
Having an inductive reactance below 50 ohms is helpful. Lends itself to
solution with capacitive voltage divider.
At 1.83 MHz
Series cap of (x=-152) 572 pF. Use anything 500-600 pF TX doorknob.
Cap to ground on antenna side of (x=-1500) 58 pF. Use anything around 60
pF, TX doorknob.
This will get you mostly there.
73, Guy K2AV.
On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Richard Thorne <rthorne at rthorne.net> wrote:
> I'm going to build a T antenna for 160 in a few weeks.
> I need a capacitor to tune out z = 41.2 + j139.
> For the educational experience, how do I calculate a cap for the above
> equation? I'm going to try and track down a variable cap for the above so
> I can build the antenna over the Thanksgiving holiday.
> Thanks
> Rich - N5ZC
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