[TowerTalk] T2X Hung Up

Kim Elmore cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 3 22:04:06 EDT 2016

Every time this has happened to me it's been an open limit switch. The only way out I've found out of this is to short across the limit switch at the control box. 

Kim N5OP

"People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith

> On Oct 3, 2016, at 19:44, GARY HUBER <GLHuber at msn.com> wrote:
> Mike. which controller are you using? I have had that problem using a 
> DCU-1.
> 73 ES DX,
> Gary - AB9M
>> On 10/3/2016 7:19 PM, Mike wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Got a T2X rotor hung up in the south position.  Can not get it free by
>> trying to get the rotor to move in the other direction or even trying to go
>> in the initial direction that got it stuck and then quickly going in the
>> reverse direction.
>> My rotor is near the top of a 130 ft tower.  The phase reversal capacitor
>> is located next to the rotor eliminating being able to bypass the rotation
>> safety switches.
>> I do have a backup T2X, but would be nice to free up the stuck rotor so
>> wouldn't have to climb.  Any suggestions on what can be done from the
>> ground to free up the rotor?
>> Also, any suggestions on how to keep the rotor sticking in the south
>> position from reoccurring?
>>   73,
>>   Mike, K4GMH
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