[TowerTalk] What do do on 80 when height restricted?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Oct 25 13:17:22 EDT 2016

On Tue,10/25/2016 9:49 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
> ##  80m verticals on a city lot will be real noisy on RX.  Trying to keep
> a dedicated RX ant away from the TX vertical will be a chore.

Yes, that's true. But so will almost any practical antenna. Antennas fed 
with open wire line are also generally bad for receive noise because it 
is not practical to choke them.

On Tue,10/25/2016 9:33 AM, Steve London wrote:
> Most of the comments have assumed that your son has adequate space for 
> a vertical.
> I have seen many terrible, limited space vertical installations, where 
> the antenna is no more than a few feet from the house or other large 
> structure. These always perform poorly, especially so on the low bands.
> Tell us more about what your son has available for space.

Yes, exactly why I posted links to the applications notes -- to provide 
some technical background so that he can look around and evaluate the 

73, Jim K9YC

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