[TowerTalk] Legal Power measurement Discussion
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Tue Sep 27 10:09:30 EDT 2016
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2016 11:46:00 -0400
From: "StellarCAT" <rxdesign at ssvecnet.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Legal Power measurement Discussion
I think more is being made of this then what it is - the reason why it was
defined as "supplied to the antenna" is that is indeed simple - and doesn't
necessitate any math/measurements beyond that single connection. I'm sure -
or better stated my guess would be the feedline is considered part of 'the
antenna' in their eyes - how ever that might branch out... thus making it
very simple for them. If they show up at Joe Dumbstuff's house who is
running 4000W to a feedline with losses of over 4db and putting 1500w at the
antenna TERMINALS - I'd bet he'd get a citation.
As for contests - that is a whole 'nother story ... I know of one guy that
is PROUD of his contest wins... and runs 6000W. I was told by the owner of
one antenna supply house that baluns in the 5kW range are quite common ...
and he's done as high as 20kW baluns.
... for me - legal limit is legal limit - period.
## here in Canada, we are allowed 2250 w pep... across an impedance matched load.
The load is the ant feedpoint, so the power is measured at the feedpoint, not the back of the amp.
## same deal with fm/am / tv broadcast.
## I remember years ago, seeing an alpha advertisement, featuring Martti, OH2BH.
Stacked yagis on 20m, and each ant had its own alpha 87A amp. FT-1000D driving
two alpha amps, then one coax from each amp to each yagi.
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