[TowerTalk] Vertical on concrete pad
W0MU Mike Fatchett
w0mu at w0mu.com
Fri Aug 18 16:50:28 EDT 2017
What size antenna are you putting up?
On 8/18/2017 2:17 PM, garyk9gs wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have an existing concrete base of several yards of concrete that i want to mount a vertical to.
> I plan on using a 2 1/2 inch OD , 36 inch long, piece of steel or aluminium tubing (thick wall) with the end welded to a flat plate with gusset plates every 90 degrees. This plate would bolt to the concrete with anchor bolts epoxied into holes bored in the concrete.
> My questions:
> 1) How do I calculate the size and thickness of the plate and gusset material?
> 2) How many bolts and bolt diameter needed? Bolt length needed in the concrete?
> 3) Should I use steel or aluminum? This is coastal FL so there is some salt to contend with. Steel would probably be painted unless I can find a local galvanizing vendor.
> 4) the other thing I thought of doing was boring a 2 1/2 + inch diameter hole and just epoxying in the tubing. Not sure how to bore a hole that large and deep. Maybe hire someone to do this?
> Suggestions? I don't wsnt to over complicate or engineer this either.
> 73-Gary K9GS
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