[TowerTalk] BigIR question

Doug Turnbull turnbull at net1.ie
Wed Dec 6 10:55:46 EST 2017

Dear OMs and YLs,
     I have a BigIR mounted on an extensive radial field and also with the
80/60M loading coil.    In contests, I am allowed to run 1500W - I find that
on 80M the antenna does not stay in tune while transmitting for a while and
assume this is to do with heating but am not sure.   Normally I would not
operate with more than 500 W for a contest on 80M then there is no problem.
On 40M to 10M there is no such problem.

     This is not my prime antenna but is a useful fallback.   It is an
excellent vertical.

                   73 Doug EI2CN

PS Only in contests are we allowed this higher power level.

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
john at kk9a.com
Sent: 06 December 2017 12:23
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] BigIR question

This is a much better antenna than the fixed height 43' vertical that is
so popular.

John KK9A

To:	Frank VO1HP <invl160 at gmail.com>
Subject:	Re: [TowerTalk] BigIR question
From:	Ed Richardson <ed_richardson at shaw.ca>
Date:	Tue, 5 Dec 2017 19:44:07 -1000

Jim. The bigIR can be tuned to a quarter wave on all frequencies from 7 to
54 MHZ. On frequencies from 21-54 MHz you can select a 3/4 wavelength

I have used this antenna with raised radials, tuned stub radials and a
ground mounted radial field.  Works well in all cases.  It is still a
quarter wave vertical.
No magic

Ed. Ve4ear


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