[TowerTalk] Coax Options (for a 5,000 ft. run)

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Feb 13 19:42:30 EST 2017


Take a look at the Antenna Genius switches that 4O3A sells. I have the 
8x2. Very well built, excellent performance (great isolation, very low 
return loss), lots of control options.


73, Jim K9YC

  On Mon,2/13/2017 9:27 AM, john nistico wrote:
> I want to be able to put both antennas one the same tower on 2 different radios. Each of the 4 towers is going to have a mono band stack of either 2 or 3 six element yagis plus 5 antennas for 80 and 160 so I kind of wanted a feed from each antenna

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