[TowerTalk] What am I missing....balun

James Wolf jbwolf at comcast.net
Fri Feb 17 13:41:31 EST 2017

This was Array Solutions response to this on the AMPS reflector.

What your missing Jim is this is a Balun for the band below 10m 8o) [Ed
Note: 11 meters] Where the real ampllifiers are used.

We sell a few of these a year to these big amp enthusiasts, and I am many
times impressed with their knowledge of what it takes to run and maintain
these amplifiers.  Some guys even have 3 phase running into their basements
where they have a large power plant.
We build these with EIA flanges too.  Also some agencies buy our bigger
baluns for their applications.  We usually consult with them to get the best
performance from the custom baluns for their frequency range.

Thanks for asking.

Jay, WX0B


Jim - KR9U

I have to throw this out there and its not directed at any one individual -
Jay at Array Solutions is a straight shooter - I do not think he'd do
something to intentionally mislead someone and/or take advantage of their
naivet? ... if truly interested I'd suggest he is contacted and given an
opportunity to answer any questions re this or any other part they sell.

I'd absolutely not suggest he or AS is in the business of false advertising.


[I have no connection to AS - although I do think they charge stiff prices
for items I would have to also say that everything they sell is very well

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