[TowerTalk] US Tower price increase

Chris EZRhino at fastmovers.biz
Tue Jan 3 12:44:57 EST 2017

Better order from someone else pretty quick...when Tashjian gets wind of this, they may raise their prices too!


On Jan 3, 2017, at 10:16 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:

> They don't want any Amateur sales. They do not want last minute orders.  They must have landed a large gov't or commercial contract and they want to concentrate on that.
> Circulate a petition?  For what?  They are a private business making business decisions that are best for their business.  I don't think UST owes the ham radio community anything do they? Did we do something special for them?  If you don't like their practices use someone else.
> This opens the door for another company to come in and fill the gap if it makes good business sense.
> Welcome to the world of Capitalism.
> W0MU
> On 1/3/2017 10:08 AM, Ed via TowerTalk wrote:
>> If UST was smart, they would give advance warning of a price increase, with an effective date. Imagine the number of last-minute sales that would generate!  To raise prices overnight, shocking even HRO employees clearly makes no sense.
>> I'm just glad to have what I already have and am sorry for the hams who do not. Somebody ought to write a letter to UST and, perhaps even circulate a petition if there are enough disenfranchised customers.
>>> On Jan 3, 2017, at 08:43, Grant Saviers <grants2 at pacbell.net> wrote:
>>> I looked at the Luso150US plus 4.5" dia 5 meter mast in some detail, had them do the calcs for the antennas I wanted.  2x 4L 40, 2 x 5L 20, 3L 80 which is a fairly serious tower loading!  It didn't happen for three reasons, a used R65 tower and 9 yagis became locally available cheap, I preferred independent rotators (rings or swing arms) and servicing concerns with the Luso.  So, I went with a Phillystran guyed R65 tower with K0XG rings.  For high wind areas the Luso may be a good choice with its 1 minute up/down cycle, if the regulators allow that mode of compliance.
>>> In the end the cost difference of Luso vs what I did was small since the tower was erected professionally (a 20' section with two rings weighed about 1000#) .  The Luso base is a monster, their base plus rebar plus lots of concrete. As I understand it, Luso ships in a dedicated 2TEU container and ships everything (except the engineer) in it.  Nice slide show of Luso install: http://www.7163net.com/k8xs/index.html
>>> Flying an engineer from Japan might be cheaper than commercial tower riggers here.
>>> Grant KZ1W
>>>> On 1/3/2017 4:01 AM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
>>>> Luso appears to be a very nice tower but I am not sure that it is only a
>>>> few dollars more than the new UST prices. I have read that they require
>>>> you to fly their engineer from Japan to your site when installing it.
>>>> John KK9A
>>>> To:    Wayne Kline <w3ea at hotmail.com>
>>>> Subject:    Re: [TowerTalk] US Tower price increase
>>>> From:    Ed via TowerTalk <towertalk at contesting.com>
>>>> Reply-to:    Ed <navydude1962 at yahoo.com>
>>>> Date:    Mon, 2 Jan 2017 21:12:30 -0800
>>>> If you're remotely contemplating a UST, consider a LUSO for just a few
>>>> dollars
>>>> more!
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