[TowerTalk] noise profiles...
w5prchuck at gmail.com
w5prchuck at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 11:18:01 EST 2017
“I have a noise, what do you think it could be?” doesn’t give us much to go on. Can you give us more information?
Does the signal level vary with frequency?
Does the level vary with direction?
How are you looking for it? With what?
Surely it must be somehow localized to some area. How big?
Have you checked close to power lines? Is it louder there?
Have you checked close to cable tv lines?
Have you determined it is not in your shack?
Chuck W5PR
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Paul Plants
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2017 10:03 AM
To: Jim Thomson
Cc: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] noise profiles...
I have a problem here Washington, Pa, 30 miles south of Pittsburgh. I have a white sound noise that run from 18 MHz to 30 MHz with constant s7 noise level. I have driven around every street with in 2 miles and can't find it?
Any ideas?
Sent from my iPad Air 2
> On Jan 14, 2017, at 12:45 PM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:
> Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 20:31:22 -0500
> From: "StellarCAT" <rxdesign at ssvecnet.com>
> To: "jimlux" <jimlux at earthlink.net>, <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] noise profiles...
> Why would anyone spend so much more for electricity to 'save' on vegetables
> from an indoor garden?!
> Seems, to me, at least likely, only one reason why it is there...
> Gary
> ## pot sells for $3K a lb. And these grow-op folks get 4 x crops per year.
> Do the maths, huge $$ involved. They grow pot up here by the dump truck load...
> then trade it lb for lb, straight across to the the americans...for cocaine.
> ## we had cases of legal grow-ops, fed govt licensed to produce.... X lbs per year, that
> got busted for producing 20 X per year. Power company + cops busted a guy on the other
> side of town here, where the pole pigs are really small, like 25 kva. He was sucking 20 kva,
> and as typ, they oversize the HV fuses, and also use slo-blo types. 3 pole pigs have caught fire,
> when those things flame on, look out, flaming oil dropping down onto the ground.
> ## a friend 6 blocks from me has a 50 kva xfmr on the pole across the street. It was buzzing so
> loud you could hear it from 200’ away. It got replaced. Everybody on that street uses natural gas.
> Toss in led lights, and power consumption should be minimal. Wait til everybody jumps on the
> 100% electric car bandwagon. Then the entire grid will be beyond maxed out.
> ## with 10 db over S9 noise 24/7 on 160m, I can see where 160m is gonna be relegated
> back to the Loran days of long ago. Huge chunks if not the entire band wiped out. A dedicated
> RX array does not work too well, when say its pointed at ZL land... and is also pointed at a noise source,
> like a grow-op. Even the devices with the noise sense ant will only null out one noise source at a time.
> If you are surrounded by multiple noise sources, then what ? The little guy on the city lot doesnt have
> many options left, perhaps use a remote internet RX, but with latency, wont work anyway.
> Jim VE7RF
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