[TowerTalk] 4 square for 80

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Fri Jan 27 22:47:51 EST 2017

On Fri,1/27/2017 6:32 PM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
>   The only
> commercial product that I am aware of uses 100 #43 beads:
> www.dxengineering.com/parts/com-cfc-75  

The fact that someone is selling something does not make it a good idea, 
nor does it change the laws of physics. :)

W2DU's string of beads chokes were a good idea because their impedance 
was resistive in the frequency range where they would be used. The 
limitation was (and still is) that the largest bead made with that 
material (#73) is just large enough to fit coax the size of RG58.

73, Jim K9YC

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