[TowerTalk] Tower with walk platform at top

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Fri Jul 14 14:29:14 EDT 2017

I would expect that the platform has no effect on the radiation angle but
that it would interact with the antenna patterns and SWR.  The PolyPhaser
catalog is full of information and products for lightning protection.

John KK9A

To:	<towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject:	[TowerTalk] Tower with walk platform at top
From:	"David J \"Dave\" Windisch" <davidjw1 at fioptics.com>
Date:	Thu, 13 Jul 2017 10:51:25 -0400

Hi, all concerned:
I posted earlier this year about one of those former AT&T bunker-and-tower
microwave relay sites.
The tower has a top-mounted 25'x25' walk platformwith railings at 120'.
There is a stout 10' approach-beacon stanchion with lightning spike tip.
The plan is to install a multiband stack of 40-30M 2L, 20-10M 11L and 6M
M-squared 5- or 7L on a 24' chrome-moly mast/rotator anchored on the
platform and supported by the stanchion.
The hf antenna booms would be at about 12' and 22' above the walk platform,
and the 6M boom somewhere middling between.
HFTA swags astounding merit numbers for those heights at this site; makes me
wish I had 2-3 more good sunspot cycles left in me <biggrin>
The site is 1.7 acres on a nice farm-soil bump: nothing around it for
hundreds of feet, and the HAAT is around 80M out to 16 miles of the same
You can see the curvature of the earth from topside, and the Independence
Day fireworks viewed from lawnchairs are spectacular.
The site has a ground mat under it about 2M down, with everything above
ground connected to it.
The equipment will be inside the bunker, which has a Faraday shield in its

The questions:

1. What effect, if any, might the work platform at the tower top have on
antenna takeoff angles?

2. Can I expect to protect the equipment from lightning well enough with
available devices (which ones?) so as not to have to disconnect EVERYTHING
every storm-time?


Dave, N3HE

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