[TowerTalk] Modify Force 12 C-31XR to create mono-band

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Jun 3 03:34:24 EDT 2017

Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2017 09:30:52 -0700
From: Grant Saviers <grants2 at pacbell.net>
To: w5wz at w5wz.com, towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Modify Force 12 C-31XR to create mono-band

<Why? What is the goal?

If you want an Al pile to make 3 monobanders, there are probably cheaper 
ways to buy the Al.  In any case two more booms are needed.

The "handbook" and other (e.g. G0KSC)  mono-bander "free" designs are 
good to superb.   From my limited experience with interlaced design 
modeling my estimate is 1db or unlikely 2db more gain and somewhat 
cleaner pattern than a tri-band interlaced design if same net boom 
length per band.   I think it unlikely you will have successful 
mono-banders by just de-interlacing the existing C-31XR elements.  Each 
resulting monobander will need to be modeled and optimized.  I would 
suggest investing in an NEC4 package and Dan AC6LA's great AutoEZ optimizer.

What I have learned in my modeling is great respect for successful 
interlaced designs like the C-31XR and the JKantenna designs.  It's hard 
to put everything on one boom and get performance very near to that of 

Grant KZ1W

## He may just want to Re-use the 20-15-10m eles  from his C31-XR  as a source
of tubing.  IMO, if you want tubing, buy it new from DX engineering, since its cheap.
Then sell the C31-XR as a complete yagi. 

## JK antennas  indeed does have interlaced arrays that have slightly MORE gain than their 
individual  counterparts. 

##  On a similar note,  JK ants  has revamped  a lot of the legacy F12 yagis,  re-designed on 
NEC-4..and also updated mechanically .  The 5BA has also been re-designed, with better performance 
than the original, with 2-3  less eles. 

##  If the OP just wants 3 monobanders, start from scratch, sell the C31XR..and buy tubing from dxe, and
build your 3 x monoband  owa   style yagis. 

Jim  VE7RF  

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