[TowerTalk] Antenna & Tower Wind Load Ratings

JVarney jvarn359 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 01:01:08 EDT 2017

Kurt Andress wrote:

>> I have found that for almost all HF yagis, the area of the elements will
>> be higher than the area of the boom. But, that doesn't always apply to
>> long boom VHF/UHF antennas. Sometimes, their booms will have a higher
>> "projected area", and in some cases like the Innov Antennas, UK
>> configurations, which utilize square booms, the higher Cf(Cd) also
>> needs to be applied

I concur. I neglected to mention that about flat vs. round elements. That's
another factor that should be listed when specifying the antenna's rating
along with the topo, exposure, speed, etc. factors. Some tower manufacturers
supply two capacity ratings, one for round elements and another for square
or flat face elements.

I didn't mean to imply that using "Aa" as an industry standard would
be a cure-all for all installations. We still have to use good engineering

>> I did not intend my initial post go much further

I agree, I think the horse is on its way to the ER. We'll just have to
deal with this tower rating/antenna rating mismatch as best we can.
Thanks for the thoughtful discussion!

73 Jim K6OK

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