[TowerTalk] Antenna & Tower Wind Load Ratings

Clay Autery cautery at montac.com
Sun Jun 18 13:28:56 EDT 2017

I don't know who that reply was to, Kurt.  It was not for me; I don't
car; It's none of my business.

But I want YOU to know that I HIGHLY value EVERYTHING you post on this
reflector.... even the bits I am not smart enough (yet) to understand. 


Clay Autery, KY5G
MONTAC Enterprises
(318) 518-1389

On 6/18/2017 1:10 AM, Kurt Andress wrote:
> Jim,
> I'm so glad to hear you know everything and have it all under control!
> This means this reflector does not, and never has ever really needed me!
> I will silently back out of here, I obviously made a really big
> mistake by making my posts here, and will leave it all to you, to go
> out there and make everything right in the World for those that need
> that.
> 73, Kurt, K7NV

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