[TowerTalk] Material Type Numbers

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jun 20 12:59:42 EDT 2017

On Tue,6/20/2017 9:43 AM, Clif Keely via TowerTalk wrote:
> How do the type numbers relate to things like permiability?

No logic that I've been able to figure out. They are named by their 

> How are they sized?

For applications and conductor sizes that customers tell the mfrs they 
want.  Just like batteries. :)

> Who are the makers of there ferrites.

There are a bunch, but only one that provides detailed engineering data 
on their products. That company is Fair-Rite.

>   I would like to learn more and also look into buying from the major producers like TDK, Tokin, or Siemens.

I would too, but I've been unable to find tech data on their products 
that tells me enough to even know their fundamental characteristics.

>   Will other core shapes work?

Other than what?  For use at HF, we must wind multiple turns around a 
core that provides a complete magnetic path, so we need cores with a 
round opening. Rods do NOT work for chokes.

I've posted a link to my tutorial. It explains a lot of things about 
ferrites and how to use them.


73, Jim K9YC

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