[TowerTalk] Sunneyvake HRO - SK

Mike & Becca Krzystyniak k9mk at flash.net
Fri Mar 24 13:39:17 EDT 2017

The Chicago land area also had Heathkit, Spectronics, and a hand full of
smaller entrepreneur shops in the suburbs too.
I enjoyed driving to AES in Milwaukee, but it was still 100 miles and they
were easier to do mail order with.

Unless I could find it at Heathkit (the store was less than a mile away) I
would buy out of state simply because they were cheaper and not so much the
taxes (generally offset by shipping).

Mike  K9MK

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of bill
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 12:18 PM
To: Rob Atkinson; towertalk
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Sunneyvake HRO - SK

>The Chicago stores were put under partly because hams would use them as 
>show-rooms to look at rigs, then PHONE IN AN ORDER TO AES IN MILWAUKEE 
>to avoid Illinois SALES TAX.
>Of course IL SKY HIGH Sales Tax to blame also!!

that was , as far as I see, A BIG SCAM.
The owner of AES also owned the ONLY ham store in chicago..
ERICKSON COMMUNICATIONS...  i say only...the only store that could get the
icom, yaesu and kenwood franchise.....( what mattered)

cute, as it kept any competitors out (certainly those Japanese MFgrs
listened to their BIG account in Milwaukee who undoubtedly disliked the idea
of having competition in Chicago) ..
yes    check it out at Erickson  and  have it shipped tax free from 

I always looked forward to trips to LA so I could wander down to HRO Anaheim
where many radios hooked up and coffee also....
AES & Erickson operated like a parts house with the "clerks" sitting on
stools BEHIND THE COUNTER...  might as well have had their arms crossed as
such a cozy feeling ,,,,NOT    ham radio deserved better...
now due to internet no one will open a ham store in Chicago, unless they tax
internet/mail order sales. Glad HRO took over the AES store.

bill     who 'got outta town'  5 years ago


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