[TowerTalk] Press release Re: F12 ants !!

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Thu May 11 16:01:28 EDT 2017

Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 10:53:47 -0700
From: Wes Stewart <wes_n7ws at triconet.org>
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Press release Re: F12 ants !!

So they take a Force 12 model, change everything about it and still call it a 
Force 12?

Wes  N7WS

##  Yup.  Then it becomes the new upgraded version.   The new version 
5BA  has 2 LESS eles, more gain, better fb + fr, lower swr across the band,
and pattern holds up much better across the entire bands.   Thats the difference
between NEC2  and  the pro version of NEC4, with custom front end drivers.  
That and all the less than optimum mechanical aspects  have been eliminated. 
IE, no more riveted eles.  No more riveted  boom splices....ditto with 
riveted ele to boom brackets. 
No more .049 wall tubing, with the usual 12 x swedges per each 20M ele. 

##  Then repeat for  several other F12 legacy ants, like the XR5, C3, C3S,
etc, etc. 

##   https://jkantennas.com/  Those  .25 inch solid Aluminum coils, welded at the
ends, are the real deal.   I have run several of the JK designs through the mech
software, and they are very robust, minimal sag and horizontal deflection. Even the
full sized 40m eles  dont require trussing. 

Jim  VE7RF 

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