[TowerTalk] Fan Dipole (I thought taht was the discussion)

Don W7WLL w7wll at arrl.net
Sun Oct 1 21:22:38 EDT 2017

Amateur radio is more than a hobby, but that is certainly one part of the 

I think we, including myself, often let ourselves get embroiled in 
subjective issues where our opinion seems important to weigh in about, over 
other things.

I think K9YC hit the nail on the head back a few posts, you can work the 
world on most anything, if you've the patience. I remember as a kid back in 
'55 actually trying to load different weird things and good friend W7GG 
(then W7TDK) giving me signal reports from about 2 miles away. Didn't prove 
anything but that you could do that.

I do want to know what I should be doing, and what the supporting and proven 
scientific methods are that support the 'should'. Like everyone who puts 
antennas up, from a practical standpoint I probably will usually end up with 
something a bit off mark (but will understand why and be willing to live 
with any undesirable circumstances). You do what you got to do and what you 
can do.

And what antenna works on on person's site might be a dummy load on 
another's. Just the way it is.

Let's not get uptight. It is OK to talk about one's own experience or 
opinion but let's not attack another's. I think it is OK and right to 
correct something that is scientifically known to be inaccurate (but 
careful, your circumstances may vary).

I'm still not a Ford man but that doesn't make them a 'bad' car.

Take a breath everyone!


-----Original Message----- 
From: Wes Stewart
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2017 5:26 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fan Dipole

It's a hobby . We get to choose our own metrics.

I do find it interesting that my metric of DXCC countries worked is bogus in
your mind while equally subjective experiences of yours are more valuable. 
you compare your antennas on a calibrated range operated by skilled people?

It's a rhetorical question; no need to answer.

On 10/1/2017 6:15 AM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
> I am surprised that people still do not realize that working DXCC 
> countries
> is no indication of antenna performance. The poor desert ground may be
> helping your inverted V however why would an inverted V be your only 
> option?
> I have used various 160m antennas from a number of locations in the US and
> Caribbean and found a low inverted V to be very inferior to a top loaded
> short vertical even without an extensive radial field.
> John KK9A


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