[TowerTalk] Fwd: Grounding connection to tower legs

Clay Autery KY5G at montac.com
Mon Oct 16 18:44:36 EDT 2017

Nope... not me...  Not nearly enough contact for my tastes...

I want a TRUE galvanized or stainless clamp that was tailored as closely 
to the leg diameter as I could get and AT LEAST as wide as the strap I 
am using...  Like 2" or better wide...  Think wide turbocharger clamps...
Then I want either a properly wound intermediate copper shim that is 
fully tinned on one side and bright copper on the other, OR a properly 
formed copper strap which is fully tinned on the contact side.
Copper strap... as wide as I an afford and get formed to fit the leg, 
preferably with nice smooth transitions.

Then I want a suitably compatible conductive filler paste to exclude any 
moisture form minute gaps anywhere in the clamp system.... preferably 
where the carrier durable enough not to wash out.  (I used to make stuff 
like this).


This kind of design, but say 3 times wider....  3 fasteners.... Or 
simply stack 3 high.

Whatever you can do to reduce resistance/heating/inductance/corrosion at 
the junction.


Clay Autery, KY5G
MONTAC Enterprises
(318) 518-1389

On 10/16/2017 2:24 PM, N2TK, Tony wrote:
> What about diecast zinc like this?
> https://www.amazon.com/Ground-Clamp-Water-Pipe-Rod/dp/B00UTKQ3PW/ref=sr_1_5?
> ie=UTF8&qid=1508181810&sr=8-5&keywords=zinc+ground+clamp
> 73,
> N2TK, Tony

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