[TowerTalk] grounding at tower base

DALE LONG dale.long at prodigy.net
Tue Oct 24 10:02:29 EDT 2017

These are for grounding Rohn25.  We need something for Rohn67


I know this is not answering your question, but six of the tower leg 
ground connectors that N0AX suggested here last week showed up today. 
Beautifully constructed, very robust, very easy to install. The 
connector U-bolts to the tower leg. Copper goes to a hunk of brass. The 
wire connector can accept copper strap and/or a wide range of copper 
wire sizes. There are two indentations for wire. This makes it easy to 
connect copper strap from the pour and up to two copper wires from rods 
to each leg, so it's a great splice point for the strap to the rods. An 
inspector can't help but be impressed!



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