[TowerTalk] Tuning raised radial verticals

Bryon Paul Veal NØAH bryonveal at msn.com
Sat Sep 2 15:41:08 EDT 2017

I never have heard of a successful array using raised radials ... so this 
has been a good exercise.  Also strongly agree with tuning the verticals to 
the intended frequency  ..... but this is all with comtek. From the power 
dump port,   I had  300 foot roll of coax coming back to my meter measuring 
the power dump onto the dummy load in my shack!

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On September 2, 2017 12:42:35 PM Gary Johnson <gwj at wb9jps.com> wrote:

> Dan’s simulations and observations are spot-on as usual. So...
> 1. For the complete system, observe dump power vs. freq rather than SWR.
> 2. Frequency shift between resonance of a free element vs. that of the 
> minimum dump power is <50 kHz, which is similar to my own experience. Why 
> the manuals say to tune the verticals 150 or 200 kHz low makes no sense to 
> me. If you simply tune your elements nearer to the middle of your intended 
> operating band, results would be better.
> 3. Single radials are not good for pattern, as previously explained. If you 
> add a second 1/4-wave radial, feedpoint resistance at resonance will be 
> lower and in fact closer to the point design of the commercial phasing 
> network. AND, ground losses will be lower. I cannot see what adding 
> 1/8-wave radials would accomplish, intuitively nor in simulation. Perhaps 
> someone can enlighten me.
> -Gary NA6O
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