[TowerTalk] Adding Expanding Foam inside boom

John Fickes kc0bmf at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 18:22:03 EDT 2018

 It won't work. I tried the same thing with PCV pipe thinking I could
stiffen it up a little. For the expanding foam to work it has to be exposed
to air.
What I did was to drill a hole in the center of a 10' piece of 1 1/2" PCV
and spraying the  whole can of foam in. What happened was for the first 1'
on each side of the drilled hole it seemed to work,but passed that the foam
collapsed and only filled maybe the bottom 1/4% of the PVC. So after my
experiment failed I decided to email the manufacturer of the foam and they
confirmed, Their product was designed to do what I wanted to do.

       73 John W0JW Nothing ventured,nothing learned

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