[TowerTalk] RF int makeup mirror

Mike Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri Mar 9 15:38:48 EST 2018



google is your friend.


Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


From: Mike Smith VE9AA [mailto:ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca] 
Sent: March 9, 2018 3:22 PM
To: 'towertalk at contesting.com'
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] RF int makeup mirror


Paul.are you kidding?


Myself and K9LC offered you a solution. Did you not see that?


If you can't install a simple choke you should think about turning in your
ham license. ;-) (easy boys, tongue in cheek)


Mike VE9AA

p.s.- I don't you know.if you are a non-sighted ham, of course my comments
are inappropriate, but I'm sure you would've stated that had it been
pertinent to the discussion.


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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