[TowerTalk] Skinny QRO coax jumpers for station interconnection

Gedas w8bya at mchsi.com
Fri Mar 16 14:12:40 EDT 2018

RG-303 is a good cable but not as good as RG-400 or RG-142 because it 
uses only a single shield.  Also, I would still use RG-400 over RG-213 
because it meets his desire for a small O.D. cable and because he is 
using it for switching filters etc where the higher shielding 
effectiveness of the RG-400 is desirable and will offer better immunity 
to cross talk etc.

Plus, with a Teflon based coax you never have to worry about the center 
conductor migrating from center, even under QRO and extreme heat and 
tight bends.  I was biased when I posted using RG-142 because I was 
lucky enough to find a 1000' roll of it and have been using it for 
jumpers for years & years. But RG-400 is more flexible and of the same 
high quality as 142.

It used to be that RG-213 meant an upgraded quality version of a cable 
like RG-8 (solid dielectric & VF = 0.66) but with two copper braids vs. 
one. RG-214 was the same as RG-213 but used a silver coated copper 
center conductor and dual silver coated copper braids for even higher 
performance and better S.E.  For MIL applications we used lots of 
RG-223, RG-142, RG-400, RG-214, and of course tons of semi-rigid. I was 
very, very lucky when I was able to purchase five left-over 1000' rolls 
of new RG-214 for, you don't want to know, and have enjoyed giving most 
of it away to friends & family.

Gedas, W8BYA

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On 3/16/2018 1:33 PM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> I see no mention of RG 303 and wonder if that's been discontinued.
> for jumpers I'd use 213.  If you need a tighter bend radius I'd
> re-arrange or re-locate the connection points instead of using skinny
> silver coax.
> Rob
> K5UJ
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