[TowerTalk] W0AIH SK

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu Nov 1 08:01:19 EDT 2018

Very sad news. W0AIH built an incredible station in the black hole. There
are youtube videos of his larger Yagis. From P40A I worked his station on
multiple bands in every DX contest. I sold Paul an antenna once and he was
a very nice guy and will be sorely missed.


John KK9A

> I am sorry to report Paul Bitner, W0AIH died today from injuries
sustained falling from 60' while doing a tower project (details are not
yet clear).
> W0AIH was a member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame and had a passion for
ham radio and contesting all his life.  He was a retired ordained
Lutheran Minister in his 80s.
> R.I.P.  Paul.
> John W2GD

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