[TowerTalk] Split Loom as an anti-critter device?

Bob Shohet, KQ2M kq2m at kq2m.com
Wed Oct 31 19:50:14 EDT 2018

As much as the critters LOVED my RG6 Quad Shield for the beverages and the RG213 in the heavy brush, the have completely left alone the Buryflex on my lawn for the past several years.

My experience has been that In the deep woods the critters will gnaw on anything that’s out there.  But they will steadfastly avoid anything that is in a wide open space – like a lawn.  I suspect that is because they fear that they will be a hawk/eagle/owl snack when they come out in the open so they avoid it or move quickly when in the wide open spaces.  But they casually gnaw stuff if they can do it from the safety/security of brush obscuring them. 

You didn’t mention where you in the Northeast you are living or if you are in a heavily wooded area or development.  It can make a big difference.  

If you run your Andrews across a completely wide open space on the ground and you live in New England, I wouldn’t be concerned with critter bites.

I live in a dense forest with wetlands on top of a hill in Western CT and we have just about every kind of wildlife living within 1/4 mile of my house except for Moose and Mountain Lion.


Bob , KQ2M

From: chuck.gooden 
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2018 7:19 PM
To: Scott Townley ; towertalk at contesting.com 
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Split Loom as an anti-critter device?

Why not tun it into some pvc conduit and then bury it in the spring.  You'll protect the cable from critters and make it easy to replacr the cable when you bury it.Chuck Gooden - K9LC

-------- Original message --------
From: Scott Townley <scott at nx7u.net> 
Date: 10/31/2018  6:04 PM  (GMT-06:00) 
To: towertalk at contesting.com 
Subject: [TowerTalk] Split Loom as an anti-critter device? 

New to the Northeast, and all the critters that eat...well, everything when it gets cold enough.I am planning on running a length of FSJ-4 (1/2" Andrews superflex) from the house to the end of the back yard.  In the spring I will bury it, but until then it needs to sit on top of the lawn.  I worry about something eating through it--although it's pretty hefty for something to chew on, it wouldn't surprise me.I was thinking I'd put the cable in say a 1" or 1-1/2" split cable loom, just as an extra cover to fend off teeth.  Dumb? Unnecessary?  What does the Collective Wisdom say?TIA,-- Scott NX7U______________________________________________________________________________________________TowerTalk mailing listTowerTalk at contesting.comhttp://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk

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