[TowerTalk] RG-142 cable

Eric Dobrowansky k2cb at comcast.net
Tue Aug 6 22:53:50 EDT 2019

Speaking of quality coaxial cable for patch cables, baluns, chokes, etc....., I have a roll of brand new Huber Suhner Enviroflex B142 cable. This stuff retails for $8.62 a foot. You can Google the data sheet to see it is quality stuff RG-142.I will cut off and sell any length you may desire for $2/ft. 10ft minimum. This is brand new factory fresh, and not surplus left to oxidize in some warehouse.  Shipping calculated based on quantity, but most likely it can be sent via padded envelope flat rate priority mail.Contact me via email. K2CB at comcast dot netEricK2CB

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