[TowerTalk] Tower Safety Information Resources: Invitation to contribute

Jim Idelson jim at k1ir.com
Sat Aug 10 10:50:27 EDT 2019

That's a good one. I've referred to the N1LO compilation religiously in the
past myself, Gene. Thanks for the reminder. Much of its content is
timeless, but I do note that it hasn't been updated for quite some time,
and I suspect there are areas where new technology and new knowledge have
obsoleted some it's contents. Definitely a good one for this list, though.
Did you submit with the form, too?

73 Jim K1IR

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019, 10:35 AM Gene Smar <ersmar at verizon.net> wrote:

> Jim:
>      I've frequently sent folks with tower questions to
> https://www.qsl.net/n1lo/towers.txt .
> 73 de
> Gene Smar  AD3F
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim
> Idelson
> Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2019 9:51 AM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower Safety Information Resources: Invitation to
> contribute
> Friends,
> In the wake of a recent tragic tower-related accident in New Hampshire, I
> was asked to put together a presentation on the topic of Tower Safety. It
> will be presented at the Boxboro Hamfest in early September.
> I'm reaching out here to request your help in assembling a list of
> resources
> to share with the audience. Recognizing that there are many facets to this
> topic, all suggestions are welcome. Please think broadly about this
> request.
> We'd like to include everything from books and other print materials, to
> web
> sites, videos and other multimedia content.
> Information from the ham community, manufacturers and commercial world are
> all welcome. We'll figure out how to organize the list after we have a
> chance to see what we have.
> This will not, in any way, be a training course. The primary goals are to:
>    1. Increase awareness of the level of risk inherent in working with
>    towers,
>    2. Get people thinking about the importance of keeping those risks in
>    mind whenever engaging in tower work, and
>    3. Provide some next steps people can take to be more prepared for their
>    next tower project.
> Please use this form to submit your suggestions:
>    - https://forms.gle/fySQUSszCVEwNfLY9
> Thanks so much for your help and ideas.
> 73 Jim K1IR
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