[TowerTalk] Invisible Tower Paint

ve3yv at pathcom.com ve3yv at pathcom.com
Thu Aug 29 10:06:16 EDT 2019

Nothing new in the universe:  see article in QST April 1966, p 35-37 which
is the seminal work on tower invisibility.  I had the pleasure of knowing
the author, Ralph Turner, W8HXC, a mild mannered Professor at Oberlin


Invisible paint is tricky stuff to work with so he included instructions on
how to check paint level in the can and other useful tips, including that
when painting the tower, not to forget the antenna or the resulting
appearance of a floating antenna might be disturbing to observers.  


I do miss those April issues of QST.


73,  George VE3YV / K8HI


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