[TowerTalk] JK 402 versus CC XM-240

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Tue Feb 26 22:54:24 EST 2019


The 4sq is a great antenna but the yagi beats the 4SQ almost all the 
time, and often by some to a lot of s-units when it comes specifically 
to raw signal strength.  In some cases the difference is simply amazing.

On the other hand the yagi won't change directions instantly and it 
won't provide an omni direction response.  I often run with the stack on 
EU and then jump to the 4-sq if I get a caller that I can't make out 
from another direction because he's off the side or back.  I was going 
to take down the 4sq but the ability to point in some other direction 
instantly is a real help especially in contesting.


On 27-Feb-19 11:31 AM, Jim wrote:
> WOW Jeff! There's a lot of info there! Interesting how well the 4 
> square works compared to the Yagi.
> Thanks for posting!
> Thanks
> 73
> Jim W7RY
> On 2/26/2019 7:48 PM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
>> Picking the "best" 40m beam is very hard on 40m and requires a 
>> compromise unless you have a big tower, a big rotor, moderate 
>> wind/ice exposure, height limitations and CW/SSB only vs. wideband 
>> CW+SSB.   Oh, and a serious budget of course.  That's why there are 
>> so many different designs in the market.
>> A bit of the decision process for both the beam type selection and 
>> suppler may be found here for those interested:
>> https://ac0c.com/main/page_acc_towersantennas_40m_stack.html
>> 73/jeff/ac0c
>> alpha-charlie-zero-charlie
>> www.ac0c.com
>> On 26-Feb-19 10:57 AM, john at kk9a.com wrote:
>>> Momobeam makes a T element 40m beam also, I used one last year 
>>> operating as
>>> PJ4R.  I have modeled a lot of 40m beams and it is hard to get a lot 
>>> of gain
>>> with a single antenna. The Moxon is a nice design but it does not defy
>>> physics.
>>> John KK9A
>>> Grant Saviers KZ1W wrote:
>>> All true, Jim.
>>> As well, re W6NL's design of the 40m Moxon being discussed.  I 
>>> built/own
>>> two.  Also NEC4 verified.  K3LR and 8P5A use them.  The JK Moxon looks
>>> like a close derivative.
>>> Grant KZ1W
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