[TowerTalk] The things you see in the woods-antenna related

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Tue Jan 15 21:18:59 EST 2019

Back in the year 2000 my friend Bob, K7ZB, and I, plus another ham 
decided to go all out for Field Day up on the Mogollon Rim of Arizona 
where 100+ foot tall Ponderosa Pine trees are common.  We had everything 
well planned in advance and even though we were running 1B2op (single 
transmitter) we hung nine (9!) different antennas up in the trees, 
ranging from simple dipoles to a pair of stacked 2 element yagis for 20m 
... all of which were only wire with coax hanging from them.  It was 
admittedly quite a sight, and several other campers stopped by to see 
what we were up to.

The weirdest was the elderly lady who was convinced we were setting bear 
traps.  I kid you not.

Dave   AB7E

p.s.  We scored 10,000 points on the nose.

On 1/15/2019 10:41 AM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
> I am sure the neighbours must think I am certifiable.  Fishing in trees in
> the middle of January, untangling what must seem to them like miles of rope
> and wire in a huge snowy field (~1ac.), then later, hauling in a tire out of
> the nearby woods as my reward.
> Oh, yeah.  I'm nuts.
> Mike VE9AA

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