[TowerTalk] Height of a tower and terrain

cqtestk4xs at aol.com cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Sun Jan 20 17:16:28 EST 2019

Funny you should mention that...building a tower another 200 ft with no better results.  My tower in KH6 is limited to only 90 ft by the county.  Looking up 14000 ft Mauna Kea I decided to see what would happen if I magically had a 1000 ft tower for 40 and 80.  Result: still a very attenuated signal below 5 or 6 degrees.  Sometimes you can't defeat mama nature.

My own station has complex topography, and Dean suggested that I take 
data out to 14 miles. I ran a LOT of radials at a lot of heights, and 
got pretty consistent results. They showed that the 120 ft tower I could 
build for my SteppIR was about as good as I could do to get over ridges 
to the north and east unless I wanted to add another 200 ft or so. :)? I 
consider that very useful and practical information!

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