[TowerTalk] Wire antenna?

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Tue Jul 2 00:20:44 EDT 2019


It's amazing how many folks drink the "all band ladder line fed <insert 
bad idea>" kool-aid.  And can't be deterred by awful patterns, horrific 
SWR's, feedline radiation and weather losses, and RF in the shack.

Before I knew better I tried the "all band 80m doublet, web ladder line 
fed".  Then I modeled and put up an 80/40/20 fan dipole. +++++ on all 

Grant KZ1W

On 7/1/2019 8:38 PM, jimlux wrote:
> On 7/1/19 8:24 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist wrote:
>> Beyond that, the marketing idea of a multiband end fed wire is just
>> a fantasy.?? The pattern on the higher bands will be full of lobes,
>> and the drive impedance will be all over the place.?? Ignore reviews
>> by low information users.?? You would be advised to have a separate
>> EFHW for each band.
>> The best thing a wire antenna user can do is to make all wire
>> antennas monoband.?? Most of the mischief having to do with wires
>> occurs when people attempt to broadband them.
> hence the "fan monopole" or "fan dipole", especially with a tuner (or 
> attenuator to make the amplifier happy)
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