[TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 199, Issue 36

Drew Vonada-Smith drew at whisperingwoods.org
Wed Jul 24 14:21:19 EDT 2019


This is easy to answer.  What you want for a single antenna, reliability, and maximum SO2R flexibility is an interlaced Yagi, with a triplexer and filters.  There are several good choices sized for your tower, such as the Bencher Skyhawk and the JK Mid-Tri.

HOWEVER, at that height, why not have a small Yagi on 40M also?  That's an easy choice, the JK Mid-Tri/40.  Same triplexer needed, as the 40M feed is separate.  I am using one in the application you describe with good contest success.  I use the same 589 tower as well - it's wind load capacity is a good match, even in Kansas.

A lot of punch on four bands for a reasonably sized and simple configuration, and fully SO2R compatible.  Email me if you'd like more information...QRZ address.


Drew K3PA


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 12:00:04 -0400
From: "Bruce Meier" <bemeier at bellsouth.net>
To: "'Richard \(Rick\) Karlquist'" <richard at karlquist.com>,
        <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] SteppIR and SO2R
Message-ID: <002001d54238$dcaa0770$95fe1650$@bellsouth.net>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="utf-8"


Thanks for the clarification / correction.  Yes - SteppIR DB18-E.   Not sure where I got Force 12 from!

As for slow motors, yes, I understand that part can not be ameliorated.   I would just like to be able to select the 18E on either radio R or L and not be limited to one or the other.  I typically like to have my best rate band on the left rig.  For example, if the best run rate changes from 40 to 80 and I would like to move SP 40 to rig R, that would mean moving the 18E to rig Right.   This would not need to be a fast QSY, just able to select (use) the 18E on radio right while now using my phased 80 verticals on rig L for running.


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