[TowerTalk] Hornet Nest on the End of the Boom - How do you safely get rid of this?

Ron WV4P wv4ptn at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 16:55:33 EDT 2019

Several brands of Spray Cans that claim 30' distance. Maybe a couple of
them an hour apart, AT Night ! Ron, WV4P

On Thu, Jul 25, 2019, 3:51 PM Bob Shohet, KQ2M <kq2m at kq2m.com> wrote:

> This is a first at my station....  a large Hornet Nest on the end of the
> Boom of my lowest Hygain 105CA (5L 10 meter Yagi) on my 100’ Rohn 45 tower.
> The nest is located on the underside of the end of the boom (24’ long) and
> 1st director, which puts the nest about 12‘ from the center of the tower
> and 23’ above ground.
> Does anyone have any experience successfully dealing with this situation?
> I would appreciate learning how you killed the hornets and got rid of the
> nest without getting hurt or doing anything dangerous.
> Tnx & 73
> Bob KQ2M
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