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john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Thu Jun 27 11:14:13 EDT 2019

Well stated Kelly!  The only time that I am on the air is during major  
contests however I would not disparage hams with other interests than  

John KK9A  W4AAA

Kelly Taylor VE4XT wrote:

I simply can’t think of a more worthless pursuit in ham radio than  
“insert your favourite ham activity here.”

Now it sounds a little petty, doesn’t it? Ham radio’s wide variety of  
activity means there’s something for everyone. I don’t get the  
attraction of FT8 — I understand the technology and celebrate its  
weak-signal ability, but I just don’t see it as ‘fun' at all — can  
take or leave VHF and UHF FM and never really got into foxhunting. I  
don’t think anyone can really call themselves a DXer if they’ve ever  
uttered the words, “When last heard, you were…"

But I don’t dismiss any as ‘worthless.’

Live and let live.

73, kelly, ve4xt

> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 27, 2019, at 3:46 AM, Bryan Fields <Bryan at bryanfields.net> wrote:
>> I simply can't think of a more worthless pursuit in ham radio than  
>> contesting.
>> Even showed up to field day to get a 5.9 GHz radio link going, and found out
>> they can't count it as a "contact" for points.  But hey, we got ARRL
>> "radiograms", half the length of a tweet and twice as pointless!
>> I've been involved in a few towers going up one even for ham radio, and I
>> think the lowest we ever made it was a 52 MHz remote receiver for  
>> an repeater
>> input.  I'd love to ask that; "I have a question about my contesting
>> propagation beacon that has a repeat function too", lolz.
>> 73's
>> -- 
>> Bryan Fields
>> 727-409-1194 - Voice
>> http://bryanfields.net

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