[TowerTalk] Conduit tails

Grant Saviers grants2 at pacbell.net
Fri Mar 29 01:46:04 EDT 2019

I encountered an interesting problem a couple of days ago when I was 
showing my tower base shack to visitors.

It seems some (3 counted) small mice have taken up residence in the 
conduits (3x 3" x 115').  They pulled out the fiberglass packing at both 
ends.  When disturbed by our visit there was a lot of scurrying around, 
then climbing up the coax and down into the conduits.

So, I've placed the "sticky mats" mouse traps of a couple of brands at 
both ends in the hope of getting them out before sealing up with some 
bronze wool packing.  I was told mice won't touch using steel wool 
packing and bronze won't rust.

So far got one.  Maybe they saw their brother's ugly demise, but I saw 
another scurry back into the conduits.

I'd rather not fill the conduits with water, been there when an errant 
pick pocked a hole in a "dry" conduit that had totally filled with 
condensation.  That conduit was near the infested ones so am a bit 
surprised there isn't water in these otherwise watertight runs.  It 
appears the mice can run the full length.

Plugging up both ends with them in residence seems like a bad idea. 
I've sealed up other access holes into the shed and shack end huge 
junction box.  Rattlesnakes at my CA QTH did love small mice, but one 
living in the conduit has some downside.  Maybe a conduit cat?  Would a 
leaf blower would blow them out?

Any other ideas or proven solutions?

Grant KZ1W

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