[TowerTalk] Broken slingshot - need quality replacement to get antennas up in the trees

Patrick Greenlee patrick_g at windstream.net
Wed Nov 13 15:16:39 EST 2019

If anyone gets good bands or uses surgical tubing be advised that when 
not in use you can store them in the freezer and they will last for a 
very very long time. (Let warm up before stretching.)

On 11/13/2019 12:23 PM, Bob Shohet, KQ2M wrote:
> Hi,
> The bands on my two Marksman slingshots broke two weeks ago.  I bought replacement Marksman slingshot bands – ALL 4 BROKE on the first or second pull.  Apparently these crappy replacement bands for Marksman are all made in China now.  No wonder the price went down.  I had used my Marksman slingshot with American made replacement bands for the past 20+ years before this and was able to get the 2 oz fishing sinker above branches at close to 100’ above ground – this is my goal.  But now it is impossible – the replacement bands are USELESS!
> I have checked other well-known brands and all of their replacement bands are made in China and, from reading the comments, the results are similar and awful.
> I need a quality US made slingshot with US made replacement bands.  I am not interested in using other methods.  (Bow and arrow, spud launcher, etc.)
> Can anyone recommend a good US based company with quality slingshots and replacement bands made in the US?
> Tnx & 73
> Bob KQ2M
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