[TowerTalk] Crimp on Coax connectors

Jamie WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Thu Sep 5 16:01:19 EDT 2019

whats the difference between LMR-400 and RG-400 ?

------ Original Message ------
From: wc1m73 at gmail.com
To: "'Julio Peralta'" <jperalta4 at verizon.net>; "'Tower Talk'" 
<TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Sent: 9/5/2019 1:53:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimp on Coax connectors

>I used solder connectors exclusively for many years, but switched to crimp a
>while back. I've had no problems at all.
>One reason I switched was because I had a few instances of problems with
>overheating the shield braid on UHF solder connectors. That can melt the
>dielectric, and sometimes I didn't realize it until the connector failed
>later. Also had instances of the tinned shield breaking at its interface
>with the non-tinned shield as the cable flexed. Tinning the shield and
>soldering it takes more time than crimping, and it's difficult to get the
>connector hot enough to solder the shield to it without melting the
>dielectric, especially when installing a connector outdoors, and especially
>when it's cold.
>I think as long as you use the right connectors and crimp dies, and do the
>prep correctly, crimp connectors are faster and easier to install and are
>more reliable than solder connectors. It's much easier and faster to replace
>a crimp connector outdoors.
>I used to get my connectors from RF Parts or The RF Connection, and I have
>an RF Industries ratcheting crimp tool with various dies. It came with a
>good quality metal stripping tool, the kind that makes multiple cuts as you
>spin it around the cable. This system worked pretty well, but the stripping
>tool sometimes didn't cut through completely or cut too far, and I felt the
>blade spacing wasn't ideal for the RF Industries connectors I was using. As
>for those, I tried several models of their UHF connectors for LMR-400 size
>cable and I wasn't able to find one with a center conductor tube that easily
>fits the BuryFlex and LMR-400UF coax I use. Even for the best one I found,
>the center conductor strands had to be perfectly straight and tightly
>twisted before tinning, and even then I'd often have to remove a strand or
>shave a little solder off the center conductor to get it into the tube.
>Not so with the DXE UHF connectors, which are custom made for them. The
>center tube of their DXE-PL259CS8U connectors easily accommodates tinned
>BuryFlex and LMR-400UF. It's a pleasure to use them compared with the RF
>Industries connectors.
>I also really like the DXE cable prep tools, which are far superior to the
>RF Industries stripper I was using. You have to be careful to match the tool
>to the type of coax and connector you're using. For the DXE Engineering
>LMR-400 compatible connectors (DXE-PL259CS8U), you want part number
>DXE doesn't have a custom N crimp connector, but they sell Amphenol N crimp
>connectors for LMR-400 compatible cables and have a prep tool specifically
>designed for them. It's part number DXE-UT-405C-N1. Amphenol has two crimp
>connectors for LMR-400 compatible cables. The one DXE sells is their part
>number AML-172102H-2. The last 2 is for two connectors. The actual Amphenol
>part number is 172102H243. Amphenol has another compatible connector with
>part number 172102H243-11. The only difference appears to be that the one
>DXE sells is designed for finger tightening, while the other one can be
>tightened with a wrench. I was able to get a somewhat better deal on larger
>quantities of the 172102H243-11 connectors from one of the major online
>suppliers (Mouser?) so I went with them.
>I also got the compatible DXE cable gripping tool, DXE-CGH-8U. Not strictly
>necessary, but it makes the job a little easier, especially if you have
>arthritis or a weak grip in the hand holding the coax.
>Bottom line: go for it.
>73, Dick WC1M
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Julio Peralta <jperalta4 at verizon.net>
>Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:17 AM
>To: Tower Talk <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
>Subject: [TowerTalk] Crimp on Coax connectors
>I'm going to have to cut and apply coax connectors to existing runs of RG8
>type coax in the process of installing my SPG.
>It's my intention to use crimp on coax connectors. I'm wondering if anyone
>has had any problems with them? This is assuming they will be sufficiently
>water proofed using one of the many techniques discussed here many times.
>I really like the crimp connectors available from DX Engineering even though
>they're a little more expensive.
>Julio, W4HY
>TowerTalk mailing list
>TowerTalk at contesting.com

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