[TowerTalk] "experts" on loading towers on low bands

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Tue Sep 10 18:42:48 EDT 2019

On 9/10/2019 3:24 PM, Bob Shohet, KQ2M wrote:
> Actually we are saying the same thing.
> 1) Build it and put it up!
> 2) Take it down or adjust it and put it back up again.
> 3) Repeat as needed.
> 4) Get on and make lots of q’s and have fun

The trouble with empirical designs is that,
even if they work, they tend to be difficult
to reproduce if they have no theoretical underpinning.
You don't know what parameters are important to control.
In the case of antennas, you also have the "QTH"
problem, where the antenna behaves differently
in different locations.  With no theory, it is
difficult to address this.

There is also the question of what does it mean to
"work"?  It makes lots of QSO's ... compared to what?

Rick N6RK

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