[TowerTalk] Vertical Antenna Question

Mal Speer malco at carolina.rr.com
Thu Apr 9 00:54:41 EDT 2020

A number of years ago I had a Gap Eagle DX. It worked fine and has no radials. It worked from 10-40 meters. Full power on 10,15,17,20 and I believe 400 watts on 40. It was on a flat metal roof mounted on a 7' tripod.  The roof was about 20' high. I had the Gap Eagle up for about 4 yrs. and then sold it to a ham friend of mine that was just starting out. He mounted it on the roof of his house and has great success with it. Again no radials required.

73 de Mal WA2TWA

-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk <towertalk-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of W0MU Mike Fatchett
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 12:13 AM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical Antenna Question

The Cushcraft R7/R8/R9 Verticals are 1/2 wave so they do not require radials.  I have one up and it works fine without any radials.  They work better if you can get them up in the air about 10ft or so.  Any antenna is better than no antenna but a vertical that requires radials and you don't have any is probably not going to work well.

The SteppIR verticals are pretty popular and if you are going to use ground radials Just try to put out  at least 16 to 32 of them as long as you can.  If you have to go around trees other blockages  then do so just keep the radials spaced equally apart. Short ones of 8 ft are fine in some directions too.

There are plenty of options even in a terraced yard.  Can you put up a self supporting pole?  What is the budget and what bands are you wanting coverage.


On 4/8/2020 8:23 PM, Gary wrote:
> I used my DX Engineering gift certificate to buy a copy of the "Champion Radio HF Vertical Performance - Test Methods & Results". I really enjoyed the book and learned a lot.
> It looks like a vertical is the only antenna I am going to get in my terraced back yard. Has anyone done a similar look at verticals where they looked at radials vs no radials? There are a lot of claims out there about verticals that work without radials. The above test looked at some of those antennas but they were mounted over a radial field...
> I am still wondering how I am going to run the radials up the brick terraces, and they are going to have to be pretty short.
> I am ready to listen and learn.
> Thanks and 73,
> Gary "Joe" Mayfield, kk0sd
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