[TowerTalk] Measuring resonance of a yagi element

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Wed Apr 22 14:58:23 EDT 2020

I agree.  When I bought my Optibeam OB16-3 and OB2-40, Tom (DF2BO) 
didn't send me the EZNEC files but he did send me the resulting plots 
for gain and SWR.  The manual also specified the element lengths and 
diameters.  I took my own measurements for the 40m coils and the 
tribander feed system, and generated my own EZNEC files.  My EZNEC plots 
are indistinguishable from Tom's.

By the way, with the help of K9RX who lived about 30 miles line of sight 
from me at the time (we both lived on high ground with a small river 
valley between us) we measured the actual azimuth patterns, and of 
course I could measure the SWR plots.  They were extremely close to the 
models as well.

Modeling unknown traps might be a bit trickier, though, I suppose.

Dave   AB7E

On 4/22/2020 9:34 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 4/22/2020 7:51 AM, Robert Harmon wrote:
>> Good luck on getting the files.   They won't give you theiir Eznec 
>> files.
> Who is the "they" in this post? I looked all through this post and 
> quoted stuff to find "them." If you're referring to mfrs, what makes 
> you think they use NEC for design? There are multiple modeling programs.
> It's easy enough to produce an EZNEC file for an antenna that doesn't 
> include inductors or capacitors -- all you need a a measuring tape and 
> a caliper to determine element diameters. In his very useful 
> self-published "Array of Light," N6BT includes detailed descriptions 
> of many  Force 12 antennas he designed for the company he owned.
> 73, Jim K9YC

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