[TowerTalk] 220v trench proximity to 7/8” feedline trench?

Mac libbysales at austin.rr.com
Fri Aug 7 15:55:08 EDT 2020

I had the impression he was more concerned about RF and 60hz conflicting 
rather than distance between pipes and sources..

best:  mac/mc  w5mc

On 8/7/2020 2:49 PM, Grant Saviers wrote:
> Code allows low voltage cables above power which should be 24" deep if 
> UF.  for the options see
> https://www.thespruce.com/nec-outdoor-electrical-wiring-tips-1152274.
> Grant KZ1W
> On 8/7/2020 12:23, john at kk9a.com wrote:
>> There is nothing wrong with using the same trench, why do double work?
>> John KK9A
>> Ed Post W2MKM wrote:
>> Need some guidance as it relates to the proximity of a new 220 V 
>> power line (trenched and in PVC conduit) running to my crank up tower 
>> (3 HP motor) about a 500 foot run from my barn and 2 runs of 7/8??? 
>> hardline (partially trenched through fields and not through the 
>> woods) all terminating at the tower base.
>> What is the minimum that the 220v trench should be separated from the 
>> 7/8??? feedlines trench? they will run parallel for about 250??? then 
>> go their separate ways, 220V to barn, 7/8??? to the shack.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Ed W2MKM
>> Sent from my iPhone
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