[TowerTalk] center insulator material

john at kk9a.com john at kk9a.com
Sun Feb 9 10:53:16 EST 2020

That is a good question. Perhaps they have access to a commercial  
tower, there is a 300' tower in the background on the second photo of  
my PJ4R page http://www.qrz.com/db/pj4r that has been used on top  
band. Other options are loading coils or to fold the ends into a C  
shape. The C works very well however I would call it that and not a  
vertical dipole.

John KK9A

Rob Atkinson K5JU wrote:

But forget the 160 m. vertical dipole; I want to know how you're going
to ship and put up the 260 foot tower to hold it.


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