[TowerTalk] Tying 80 and 160m radials

Ignacy Misztal no9e at arrl.net
Mon May 25 09:18:29 EDT 2020

A tower is shunt fed for 160m and will be used to support 4 sq for 80m. A
question is whether the radials systems for 160m and 80m should be
strongly connected, weakly connected or disconnected.

AC0C has 160m radials buried and 80m radials on top of grass. They seem to
be disconnected. He has a good signal.

ON4UN writes that mesh for both bands is OK and also that a single elevated
radial for 80m over 160m radials works very well. He has a good signal.

If 80m radials are connected in the middle as recommended for DXE 4 sq,
that connection ties into 160m radials in the center.

One answer is it does not matter as long as there are sufficient number of
radials. Any practical experience?

Ignacy, NO9E

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