[TowerTalk] US Tower 72 ft crank up grinds to a standstill

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Tue May 26 17:46:50 EDT 2020

AFAIK, the M2/Orion is the only rotator that can
fit within a UST #4 section AND also has the
strength to turn a DB-36.  It is entirely possible
to fool yourself and mount a rotator into a tower
thinking it will work, only to have a problem
of interference during rotation or extention.
Been there, done that.

There is also a possibility that a cross brace
is bent inward enough to catch on the rotator.
My used HDX5106 at some time (not sure if before
or after I bought it) suffered a bent brace, limiting
its height to 70 feet.  I had to build a special jig
to bend it back out using a bottle jack.

Rick N6RK

On 5/26/2020 2:31 PM, Alan Swinger wrote:
> To be more specific . . . my former Ham IV motors (too weak for my 4 EL Stepir) and my current Yaesu G-2800 both fit the TX-472 rotor mounting area w/o interference in crank-up/down. However, for example, a Hy Gain Tail Twister will not fit and allow full crankup/down of the tower. So, what rotator are you using? - Alan K9MBQ

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