[TowerTalk] Hygain rotor controller question

Wes wes_n7ws at triconet.org
Sun Nov 22 10:40:59 EST 2020



Page 6.

On 11/22/2020 8:31 AM, Jim Rhodes wrote:
> Calibration. Push the button/knob, turn button/knob to full scale, push
> again to go back to operate mode, then don't touch it again.
> On Sun, Nov 22, 2020, 09:08 Al Kozakiewicz <akozak at hourglass.com> wrote:
>> I've had a "new" (never used) HAM IV and controller  I bought on eBay a
>> decade ago. Recently put up a short tower with a C3, 6M and 2M yagis and
>> decided to use it. The back of the controller says Telex/HyGain, so I
>> assume it is fairly old.
>> Worked on the bench. Worked outside after I got the tower and antennas
>> assembled. Brought it inside, did the final wiring and the position meter
>> was stuck at full scale. Shorting the rotor pot legs to ground did not
>> change the meter position.
>> Long story short, I took it apart and brought it to the workshop to
>> diagnose, figuring it is something simple (there is nothing to the meter
>> circuit). Poking around, I notice there is a switch on the calibrate pot
>> that is activated by push/pull and is not mentioned in the manual I have or
>> shown on the schematic. I had apparently pushed it while wiring the back
>> panel. Pulling it out restored the operation of the meter circuit.
>> What the heck is it for?
>> Al
>> AB2ZY
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