[TowerTalk] Drones

Ed Kucharski k3dne at comcast.net
Sun Oct 18 11:16:17 EDT 2020

This video in Fernando's post below is the exact system I used too. Same drone. I purchased this drone as a gift for my son's high school graduation a few years ago and never thought it would be useful for my hobby. Worked very well once we adjusted the release for the breeze - it had more of an effect than anticipated. I can see trying to fly through branches or a heavily wooded area could be an issue. Fortunately we could fly the drone over the top of the branch I wanted without coming close to other branches or trees. Release mechanism shown in the video worked well too. Flight time is reduced due to the weight of the payload so you need to keep an eye on the battery.

>     On 10/17/2020 5:48 PM Fernando Gonzalez, EC1CT < ec1ct at esbesaya.com mailto:ec1ct at esbesaya.com > wrote:
>     Hi Don,
>     Take a look at this video. EA1DR sent it to me recently as we´re planning to
>     deploy an inverted L for 160 over some high trees in their property.
>     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_kzTwGRrhc
>     Hope this help. 73s
>     Fernando EC1CT - KD0IGJ
>     -----Mensaje original-----
>     From: Don
>     Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2020 11:13 PM
>     To: Towertalk
>     Subject: [TowerTalk] Drones
>     I've seen past posts about the use of drones for antenna work.
>     While interesting reads at the time, I wasn't there, so didn't bother to
>     file 'em away.
>     Now I'm interested. Particularly, how were you able to 'release wires'
>     over trees etc (the methods used to drop those wires)? Did the drone
>     have a quick release option or accessory that made it usable for the task.
>     If your drone purchase was recent. I'd also be interested in
>     recommendation of brands and models you found best suited for this kind
>     of task (among its normal uses), whether it was the one you purchased or
>     not.
>     Don W7WLL
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