[TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 220, Issue 11

cqtestk4xs at aol.com cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Sun Apr 11 14:50:16 EDT 2021

I assume the tower will be at ground level.  If not let me know.
Self supporting can be accomplished several ways.  The cheapest would be to buy 40 ft of Rohn 25 and bracket it to the existing building at 10-20 ft up, burying the base about 3 ft in concrete as per Rohn specs.  At the top I'd go with a lightweight tribander like the Cushcraft A-3 which can be rotated with a lightweight rotor.  For 40 meters you could run an inverted V with the ends onb the roof outr of the way.
That's the cheapest way to go and I assume you have a limited budget.  I suggest a tribander and not a 20 meter Yagi since at the height of 37 ft, the antenna will be OK but it will do much better on 15 and 10 once they open...and they will.  There is also a lot more spectrum on those bands.
Drop me an email if you want more info.  I've put up dozens of towers at several superstations over 50 years of hamming.
73  Bill K4XS

Today's Topics:

  1. Need help buying first tower (Ross Tucker)
  2. Re: Need help buying first tower (john nistico)
  3. Re: Need help buying first tower (Steve Jones)
  4. Re: Need help buying first tower (chuck.gooden)
  5. Re: Need advice climbing small tower (Don Rasmussen)
  6. Re: Need advice climbing small tower (Wayne Kline)
  7. Re: Need advice climbing small tower (Chuck Dietz)
  8. Re: Need advice climbing small tower (Michael Murphy)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 09:15:26 -0700
From: Ross Tucker <rjtucke at gmail.com>
To: "TowerTalk at contesting.com" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Need help buying first tower
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hello all!

I have been offered a position at my high school to teach ham radio as a
class. The administration also said that they would be willing to have a
tower installed! The one problem is that I have zero experience with real
towers. I was wondering if one or more of you might be willing to
correspond with me to walk me through the whole process.

To be honest, I don't even know what I need. The absolute #1 constraint is
that it must be over-engineered for safety - if anything falls and damages
school property during monsoon season, I will be extremely fired. XD
Low-maintenance is also important, as I'm a busy teacher with a small child
at home. Height needs to be at least 20 or 30' to get above the nearby
buildings. Self-supporting (no guy wires) is also necessary. As for
antennas, since the station will only be operated during school hours, I
was thinking of just a mono-band 20 m beam for HF and a 2m/70cm vertical
for local repeaters. Finally, in the future, I'd like to install a
satellite array on a shorter mast, nearby.


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